Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A New Roof!

I always knew that as you aged birthdays became less and less the celebration.  You can say that was the case for this year.  Instead of celebrating or even eating out, I bought myself a new roof.  A much needed roof!  After a year and a half of roof leaks and stress every time it rained, I can now say that headache is behind me! 

Here's a wet picture taken of the fireplace chimney and roof before;


And what that roof looks like now; 


They added a cricket behind the fireplace chimney and much better flashing than was there before the new roof. 


They removed the south chimney at the roof line and added a pipe to exhaust the gas hot water heater. 

I could have done without all the nails and such that was left behind though they rolled their magnets twice.  


Especially these sharp razor blades.


I found two.  I’m thankful I was able to find them with my magnet and didn’t have dogs or kids runs running around barefoot!

So, Happy Birthday to me! I do love it and am thankful not to be worrying about roof leaks any longer! 

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