Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Stitchers Luncheon

The day after Cookbook Club, I had seven women come over for a day of cross stitching. I made Sonoma Chicken Salad.  I've made it before and its so good!  You can find the recipe HERE.  I also made a coolwhip fruit salad that wasn't very good and corn salad.

This recipe came from the same Gooseberry Patch cookbook the Hot Chicken Sandwich recipe came from.

Shoepeg Corn Salad

In a bowl mix;

1 15 oz can shoepeg corn, drained (the only can I found was smaller than that)
1 14 1/2 oz can French-style green beans, drained
1 15 oz can tiny garden peas, drained (you can fin these at Aldi)
1 2 oz jar diced pimentos, drained
1 green pepper, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1/2 c red onion, chopped

In a sauce pan bring to a boil;

1/2 c oil
3/4 c white vinegar
1 c sugar
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp ground garlic 

Cook and stir until sugar resolves. Allow to cool slightly before pouring over vegetables. 


It looks pretty, but didn't go over well.  I don't guess its everyone's thing, corn and green beans.  It actually wasn't my thing, but just something quick and easy to make.  The other stitchers brought chips, cookies, meatballs and butterscotch bars.

So, what do we do at a stitch in?  We stitch, visit, share show-and-tell and Eat! Here are a few pieces that were shared during show-and-tell.  I love the colors in this pattern.  

Cats!  Check out the cat on the left side of the pattern!  See his outstretch nails and claw marks!

I love, love, love this pattern and I'm sure I could alter it so that it looked just like Lyncoln!  Look at those cute little mice!

I worked on my Halloween Line Up.  I finished all the stitching and just need to go back and add a pumpkin charm and 37 knots or itty bitty beads for the eyes in several of the owls, ghosts, bats, witch and kids at the bottom.


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