Friday, September 29, 2017


I love cards. I love sending them and receiving them, especially if a note is included. Once a week I pull out my boxes of cards and send out 2 or more.  I pick up cards at thrift stores, estate sales and occasionally garage sales.  A couple years ago Joanns discontinued carrying cards and I got several for 70% off.

My favorite are the old cards, which I still occasionally find for sale at estate sales.


Its rare that I need to visit a store for a card, but if you find yourself needing to, I recommend Dollar Tree.  Some of their cards are 2 for $1, others $1.  They have great cards, especially holiday cards and are stocked right now with Halloween, Thanksgiving and some Christmas cards. 


Not all of my cards have matching envelopes as shown below.  I don't care and hope that the recipients of my cards don't notice.  (I love the hidden pictures card in the lower right.)


The boxes are stored in my coat closet. 


I make a list of friends and family I want to send a card to, pull the appropriate boxes and go through them to find the card I want to send.

Love these old cards!

In addition to a card or two to a friend or member of my family, I send "Love in the Mail" once a week.  Love in the mail is group I belong to that sends a card or note and $1 (or more if someone desires) to someone in need of encouragement.  A lot of times it someone facing significant medical concerns.  People in the group submit the names of those we mail to. 

How about this week you send a card to someone!  Have kids or grandkids, have them draw a picture or color a coloring page and mail it to an unsuspecting relative, friend, neighbor or shut in.  I know they'll love getting a surprise in the mail. 

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