Sunday, June 18, 2017


I've been cleaning, organizing the craft room. It's never ending.

This is the walk in closet off of my craft room.


It also doubles as a storage area. 

Lyncoln likes to rest atop the storage containers. 


One wall is almost entirely shelves and storage containers. 







The previous owners used this as their master closet. It has 2 plug ins and plenty of room. 

I recently went through a box of kits and other projects and pulled several I really liked. I got the idea to hang cross stitch kits and WIPs (works-in-progress) from hangers from another stitcher. I purchased hangers at Walmart and then a week or two later I found a whole bunch of them five for $0.50 at a garage sale. Can't beat that price, so I brought them home. I probably could hang a WIP, UFO (unfinished object) or kit from every single one of those hangers if I really started going through things, but this is a good start. 


My goal is to stitch one of these projects till completed. I can be stitching something else at the same time, but I need, plan to devote a chunk of my stitching time to knocking out some of these hanging projects. Some of those kits, projects are years old. Some just need a button, but I can't recall what button and need to find the pattern. Another needs to be started all over on new fabric as I bled on the current fabric. It was almost done. So sad. Another project is one that isn't my taste, but yet I like it. I start it, but then think this isn't me, so I stop. I can't part with the pattern though. So, I'm stitching it, till complete and getting it out of my pile of projects.  I almost have one of these projects completed! I'll be sharing its picture soon! 

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