Keith is a biologist and great for plant questions. He and Bud are like the best county extension
officers. Someone will post a picture of
their cucumber (or other plant) and ask whats wrong with it.
They’ll get a lot of answers, but I always wait and watch for Keith or
Bud to answer. They know they’re
There is another individual on this page. I’ll call him Henny Penny. Gardening is gardening. Its changed some, but still is basically the same gardening that was done one hundred years ago. Things happen. Grasshoppers, hail, strong winds, droughts, monsoons, worms, aphids, brome grass happen! I love my garden and I wish it well. I love to see things grow, I really enjoy working in it and I’m looking forward to the harvest, but if any one of those things I just listened were to happen, oh well. It isn’t the end of the world. Dillons and Walmart are still within 5 miles of my house. The farmers market is still held every Saturday. I have other options.
Henny Penny loves to post doom day posts. His posts always include “must”. You must spray once a week with X and several
days later with Y. One of those sprays
is Neem oil. I have Neem extract from
Walmart. I spray maybe once every week
to ten days to treat aphids. I still
have aphids, but not as many and therefore I say its working. Henny Penny says I’m wrong. It can’t possibly work as I got my Neem at
Walmart and the only Neem that works is cold pressed Neem for sale only
on the internet. Well then, I guess my
garden will be eaten up by aphids. He
also replied in response to my caterpillar/worm post that I had to spray with
something specific, dust with something else and put either tinfoil or disposable
pie plates around the base of my plants.
He loves to write long, detailed posts with several words in all
Fortunately they’re not the tomato hook worm. Those can be deadly to the plant.
I decided last night to inspect, remove, destroy and only
spray the plants that are affected.
Henny would die! He’d insist that
the worms will spread to all of the tomatoes and my garden will fail.
Chemicals are chemicals and while I’m not on board that all are bad (I’m totally for eating GMOs), I’m not convinced that all are safe either. Our government once said Agent Orange was safe. We now know that to not be true.
I’ve decided to back off on the Neem sprays too. I’ll inspect the garden well a couple times a
week and try and catch anything bad before it becomes an infestation, but I’m not
going to spray as Henny would prescribe as a preventative. Nature has a way of addressing some issues
and I’m going to let nature play out. My
hope is to post on the kiddie pool garden Facebook page this
October that my first time garden succeeded without 2-3 times a week spraying,
powders and tinfoil! Wish me luck!
I dispose the worms by dropping them into sudsy water, but my father suggested I freeze them and feed them to the brown thrashers or flicker woodpeckers that frequent my yard. I might try that.
Remind me never to open your freezer!