I'd already removed all the tape and plastic thinking maybe I would get used to it or I could live with it till fall.
But no, it looked horrible with my furniture (buffet shown missing it's drawer, it's easier to move it without the draw in), honey oak floors and the wood trim. The wood trim looked bad against this paint. Washed out and dingy.
I cried not because I knew without a doubt I'd be painting it over again, no I wanted to paint it again. I hated it that much. I cried rather because I was so sure this was the color I wanted and if I messed up this much, how was I ever going to find the right color?
So, these were the colors that made the first cut. The burgundy wall they're hanging on, that's the color of the dining room before I painted. I eventually picked the three color card that's on the bottom row, fourth from the left. The one to the left of the blue card. I painted the dining room the darkest color and had planned on the lighter color for the living room and the lightest color for the hallway. I don't see any of those three colors as blue, but blue gray it was on my walls.
My friend Jenna (and her sweet mom) came over to point me in the right direction for attempt number two. She said if I wanted the trim to appear rich, I'd have to pick a paint with a yellow or brown undertone. I thought about sage, but Jenna said sage has a blue undertone. I am definitely not going with anything blue.
So, we narrowed it down from this
(He's so helpful.) To this
Colors are a little off in these pictures. These weren't colors I'd originally considered, but I'm warming to them. Test swatches were painted of three of the colors on a cool and gray weekend. I swung from loving one of the colors to hating them all. It's so surprising how much different the paint looks on my walls than on a card.
So sorry Julie, you are having troubles. It is so hard to chose a paint color. When we moved here from CA, I used the same paint colors I had used in our house there. One of them - A Touch of Nectar - I used in the living room, breakfast room, and dining room as the rooms made a U shape. Fortunately I had the color cards that I had gotten/used in CA because when I went to get the paint here, the company had changed the color but kept the name. The store was able to do a color match with my color card which made me very happy. Hope you are able to find a color you like. When you do, keep the color cards for future use. Patricia