Monday, October 3, 2016

Cookbook Club!

Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks.  Have you heard of them?  You can find info on them

hereMy mother owns all but a few of them, but rarely makes anything from them.  I thought I might borrow one every so often and  make at least one recipe.  Then I stumbled upon a pin on Pinterest about hosting a Cookbook Club and thought I'd challenge others to try recipes out of their cookbooks with me. 

Four of us met for the first time last Friday night and will continue to meet one Friday evening a month.  The pin I had read suggested that everyone cook from the same cookbook, sign up for a specific dish and identify weeks in advance what they’re bringing.  I didn’t want to be responsible for all that, so I just asked everyone to make a recipe they’ve not made before from a cookbook and bring both to dinner.  For the first gathering I supplied the main course, but for future gatherings its pot luck.  We may have a month of all desserts, but we all agreed we’d take our chances.  Other “rules” were that the recipe had to come from a cookbook (not pinterest, a website, etc), it had to be a recipe we’ve not made before (and preferably one we haven’t had before) and we’re to bring the dish, even if it’s a failure (no going out and buying something last minute).


The dishes brought in September were Harvest Squash Bake, Peanut butter banana roll-ups (I think they were named differently, but I’ve forgotten the name), 3 Envelope Roast and Blueberry Buckle.  



We shared our meal and then discussed the recipe and the cookbook we got our recipes from.   My recipe came from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. 


I love this type of cookbook.  Recipes were submitted for it by KDWPT employees and for the mostpart are recipes I could see myself making.  Well, except for the game section.  I can guarantee you I’ll never make squirrel enchiladas or coot chili!  If you’re interested in the cookbook, check with your local KDWPT to see if a copy is available.  They were printed in 2013 and are $10.  


I thought the gathering was a lot of fun and am looking forward to meeting again this month!  We’re looking for one or two more people to join us, so if you’re reading this and think you might like to try it, comment below or consider hosting your own Cookbook Club with friends and family.  


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